Ecco le nostre pubblicazioni:

Lavazza, C., Zangoni, G., Sozzi, F., Abenavoli, A., & Barenghi, M. (2024). A tailored training based on students’ and teachers’ needs to improve palpation skills: A quantitative part of a mixed-method study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine51, 100703.

Lavazza, C., Galli, M., Abenavoli, A., & Maggiani, A. (2021). Sham treatment effects in manual therapy trials on back pain patients: a systematic review and pairwise meta-analysis. BMJ open11(5), e045106.

Lavazza, C., Milano, V., Abenavoli, A., & Maggiani, A. (2018). How type and number of training sessions influence the reliability of palpation. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies22(2), 396-401.

Maggiani, A., Tremolizzo, L., Della Valentina, A., Mapelli, L., Sosio, S., Lavazza C., Milano, V., … & Lanfranconi, F. (2016). Osteopathic manual treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a feasibility pilot study. The open neurology journal10, 59.

Abenavoli, A., Badi, F., Barbieri, M., Bianchi, M., Biglione, G., Lavazza C. … & Maggiani, A. (2020). Cranial osteopathic treatment and stress-related effects on autonomic nervous system measured by salivary markers: A pilot study. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies24(4), 215-221.